Key Areas

Our specialist areas of expertise
HIV infection / AIDS

Since the emergence of the HIV virus in the 1980s, millions of people have been infected. We are committed to a world without social marginalisation of those affected. For us, this includes specialised prevention, early detection and counselling as well as comprehensive treatment with antiretroviral drugs.

We want to make the enormous medical advances available to our patients, which lead to a significant improvement in quality of life and life expectancy. An important goal remains to further reduce the spread of the infection and AIDS.

Junger, lateinamerikanischer Mann steht lächelnd und glücklich in der Stadt und hält rote Schleife als Zeichen für HIV-Bewusstsein in der Hand.
Pre-exposure prophylaxis

PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is the term used to describe the possibility of protecting oneself against HIV infection by taking a drug that is effective against HIV in the event of contact with the virus. Studies have shown that protection against HIV infection is just as good as other safer sex measures, namely condoms or treatment as prevention (TaSP).

PrEP has been a statutory health insurance benefit for several years. Increasingly, private health insurance companies are also covering the costs. PrEP is particularly recommended for certain risk groups.

In our practice, we offer detailed counselling on the benefits and risks of PrEP and carry out all the necessary tests before starting and continuing an existing PrEP treatment.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STD)

We advise, examine and treat in the field of sexually transmitted infections (STI). Not all of these diseases cause typical symptoms, but there is often discomfort when urinating or during sex, discharge, bleeding, a skin rash, swelling of the lymph nodes or fever. Triggers can be: chlamydia, gonorrhoea (‘clap’), lues (syphilis), HIV (AIDS), viral hepatitis (A, B, C), herpes, mpox (‘monkey pox’) or others. We get to the bottom of the specific cause, for example, with a laboratory examination of a blood, urine or mucous membrane sample. These tests are covered by health insurance in the event of symptoms or a condition following contact with a diagnosed case.
We also provide advice on vaccinations, provided they are available and recommended.

Junge, homosexuelle Jungs liegen im Bett und genießen es die Zeit miteinander zu verbringen
Addiction medicine

People with an addiction may also have an HIV infection, a hepatitis C infection or other blood-borne infections. In our medical care centre, we offer substitution with methadone, polamidone, Substitol or buprenorphine under the supervision of a doctor in order to stabilise living conditions and successfully treat a hepatitis or HIV infection. Our nursing and medical team has many years of experience in this field.

Frau allein und deprimiert am Meer
Infectious diseases

Reasons for a specialist examination or treatment in our practice include, for example, fever after a stay in the tropics, serious or difficult-to-diagnose illnesses, intestinal or joint infections, influenza, flu-like infections and other bacterial or viral diseases such as mononucleosis, cytomegaly or Lyme disease.

Infectiological diseases are often associated with diseases in other specialist areas such as internal medicine, pulmonology, gastroenterology, immunology or oncology. The surgical specialities of gynaecology, orthopaedics, ENT or dermatology may also be involved. It is therefore important for us to act in an interdisciplinary manner if necessary and to involve other specialists and treatment centres.

Viral hepatitis / hepatology

Our practice specialises in the treatment of infectious liver diseases, in particular the diagnosis and treatment of hepatitis B and hepatitis C infections. We clarify abnormal liver values and typical symptoms of liver diseases. These diseases also include, for example, viral hepatitis A and E, other infectious diseases, metabolic diseases or autoimmune liver diseases. In our practice, we have access to laboratory diagnostics, sonography and other imaging procedures.

If further methods are required for diagnosis or treatment, we work together with the hepatology department of the Virchow Clinic of the Charité and other specialist clinics.

General medical care

Our doctors provide internal or general medical care for our patients. You can find out more about our doctors, their professional qualifications and consultation hours on our other websites.


Seestraße 64
13347 Berlin

Phone:+49 30 455095-0
Fax:+49 30 455095-22
Consultation Hours
Monday08:00 am – 06:00 pm
Tuesday08:00 am – 08:00 pm
Wednesday09:00 am – 02:00 pm
Thursday08:00 am – 06:00 pm
Friday08:00 am – 02:00 pm
and by appointment,
appointments can also be made online
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